They Missed Me by This Much!

Richard V. Battle
4 min readMay 27, 2020

Remember, how you felt, the last time you experienced a traumatic challenge or loss; and then survived and moved on from it? Looking back, were you better or worse off from the experience? Did the lessons you learned help you the next time you found yourself in trouble?

Those of you who remember the 1960s television show, or 2008 movie, Get Smart will recall the lead character’s comment after escaping each life-threatening situation. “They missed me by this much”, Maxwell Smart would recount holding his thumb and index finger ever so close together. And, thus he lived to fight another day.

We chuckled at the line, but life has a way of showing up to all of us in ways that provide us the opportunity to recount that line after eluding perilous situations.

Many of you will remember the Indiana Jones movie series, which was a takeoff of many film serials before television. New chapters debuted every Saturday and the hero would overcome one challenge only to be left at the end of the episode in another life-threatening trap.

Kids insisted to their parents that they had to go back to the movie theater the next Saturday, to see if and how the hero would overcome the entanglement and obviously, defeat the bad guys. Week after week for two or three months the story would unfurl until the star finally won the day.

Likewise, Indiana Jones journeyed from trial to travail throughout each movie. Of course, fans knew in their hearts that he would triumph. However, they all still experienced a modicum of suspense until the total victory was secured and the final credits appeared.

Stories like these are entertaining, but the adventures of our lives are not assured of the victories like those of our screen heroes.

If we’re fortunate, our greatest tests show up as periodic episodes in our lives. I have written of many such experiences that I have encountered and won’t belabor them here. Suffice it to say that I have been more blessed than challenged in this life, but certainly have learned more from the adversities than I have the successes.

Some people live with their challenges every day. With no days off, their response to whatever uniquely defines their lives is an example on full display for others to receive instruction on navigating their temporary woes.

I recently learned of Tommy Morrissey who has and is inspiring untold multitudes of people. He is far too young to realize the gift he is providing them. His story is still being written, but I have no doubt it will include a lifetime of encouragement for others.

Tommy was born without a right forearm. At a very early age, he preferred to watch golf videos with his dad instead of children’s programs. By the time that he was three, he was exhibiting an amazing proficiency swinging a golf club with one arm. Soon after that, he was impressing the world’s finest golf pros with his positive attitude, determination, and ability.

Tommy Morrissey is another example of the ability of humans to achieve more than they think they can. Encouraged by his parents, he focuses on what he can do instead of self-limiting himself with the debilitating view of what he cannot do. He exhibits the quote from the unknown author, “It’s amazing what you can do when you don’t know what you can’t do!”

We can all live more fulfilling lives despite any disturbances we encounter along the way. Our choices when we encounter those hazards will greatly influence our future steps and serve as an example to those observing us as a light to enrich their journey in life also.

How Can We Journey the Unknown Path after Challenges?

· Practice the gift of gratitude after overcoming every adversity.

· Aim and proceed toward your next dream and goal beginning with the end in mind.

o Don’t live in past successes like the television shoe salesman Al Bundy.

o Don’t be trapped by past setbacks or failures.

· Act with optimism and a positive attitude.

· Persevere throughout all resistance until you accomplish your next objective.

· Focus on how your efforts will help others and your successes will be multiplied!

Wouldn’t it be great to live in a world where everything was ‘nice’ and we never experienced any difficulties? Well as you know, that is only possible with the magic of Hollywood entertainment. We, mortals, have experienced troubles and we will encounter more hardships along the way.

I hope the wind and sun are at your back when you next find yourself in rough waters. I am confident that your previous experiences will serve you to overcome each turbulence in the successful navigation of your journey.

© 2020 — Richard V. Battle



Richard V. Battle

Richard V. Battle is a business consultant, speaker and the award winning author of seven books including his latest Navigating Life’s Journey.